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Hi! I'm Madison Rae

My goal with my blog is a couple of things. Read about them below!


1) Show Mental Health and Faith Can Go Together

I battle daily with my mental health through things like anxiety and depression. I want to show that you can have a strong faith and still battle with mental health!

2) Be Real

My goal is to always show up and be the real authentic me. I want to come here and show you guys real life and what it looks like for me!


3) Bring Awareness To Tourette Syndrome

One of my daily struggles is my battle with Tourette syndrome. A lot of people know the stigma kind of Tourette and not the actual kind. I want to show people what like is truly like with it.

4) Share My Faith and My Story 

We all go through things in this life. I've been through a lot in my lifetime and I'm only 23. I want to share my story for others like me and share my faith with those who may be struggling.

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