“A million thoughts in my head, should I let my heart keep listening?” - If Only by Dove Cameron for Descendants.
This line gets me every time because of how much I can relate to it. There is constantly a bunch of thoughts in my head. And the thoughts keep coming and coming. There is pretty much no stopping it unless I have really good control over it that day.
This comes with my disorders but maybe you struggle with it to. Maybe you struggle with have a million thoughts in your head and they keep racing past at lightening speeds and it makes no sense. Maybe you struggle with anxiety. This would make sense. The anxiety thoughts like to go a million miles an hour and likes to try and drown you with the thoughts.
Philippians 4: 8 says “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”
This is talking about our thoughts. We shouldn’t be focusing on the thoughts that are from the devil. We should try and focus on the truth from the Holy Spirit, who reminds us of God and His promises. We should focus on thoughts that bring light and life. Not the ones that bring darkness and death.
I can tell you that I am guilty of this. When I’m in a depressive state, it’s super easy for me to sit there and listen to thoughts that bring darkness and death. It’s so easy to forget the truth, and life, and the light. I think people forget about this. Our thoughts and feelings control our behaviors (cognitive behavior triangle). It makes a lot of sense. When you are feeling down and get thoughts like “you’re worthless”, “you're not good at anything”, “you’re not escaping this”, it’s easy to accept that as the truth and listen to it.
That is not fixing our thoughts on what Philippians 4:8 says. We need to fix out thoughts on Godly things and the truth that surround Him. The Advocate (the Holy Spirit) is there trying to remind us on what is true and honorable and so on. We get to choose what stays in our mind. We can choose the Truth or we can choose death.
God lays before us death and life. He wants us to choose life and choose Him but the thing is is that it is a choice. We get to choose. We get to choose what stays in our minds. We get to choose how we react. We get to choose if your heart keeps listening to the death and dark thoughts. We get to choose!!
We should be choosing life and choosing to believe what God says about us, not what the world says about us, not what your brains says about us. The easiest way for the devil to get to us is through our thoughts. That’s the easiest way. We need to be on guard and really protect our minds.
The best way to protect our minds is by the armor of God in Ephesians 6. We need to arm ourselves so that we can defeat these lies and not listen to the devil. That’s really hard, I’m not going to lie. It is so worth it though. It is so worth it to protect yourselves by arming yourself with the armor of God. God is always there with you. He always has been. He’s waiting for you to call on Him.
He is fighting your battles.
Madison Rae <3