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Writer's pictureMadison Rae

Do You Ask Questions

I do not know about you, but I like questions. When I am process through things, questions are mostly what goes through my mind. There are times that all my thoughts are questions and that helps me get down to the root of what was going on.

So my question to you is…

Do you ask God those questions that are weighing you down?

You see I think that asking God questions and dialoging with Him is very important. This is how I believe you start to build an intimate relationship with the Lord. Just talking to the Lord (or writing in my prayer journal) as if He was a person I’m talking to or writing to that’s

like a friend helps me to continue to build my relationship with the Lord.

I can ask a lot of questions, trust me. But when it comes to the Lord, I don’t hold back. If I have questions on my mind, they get asked. They might never be answered or answered in the way that I want them to be, but at least they are no longer weighing me down. I mean the Lord already knows our questions before we ask as He knows our thoughts.

What keeps you from asking God questions? Are you scared He’ll get mad? Are you worried you’re going to get an answer you don’t like? Are you afraid of the outcome if you open up and ask this question?

There are times that I know that if I start to lead with “this” question, I could go down a rabbit hole I would rather not go down.

Is it shame or pride that is keeping you from asking that question?

I know there are questions that I’m scared to ask the Lord because of my shame or my pride. You avoid those questions because you want to stay in the comfortable. You don’t want to open the floor to the Lord to where He could come in and convict you on something.

Do you not ask that question because you know it’s wrong and don’t want to be convicted?

The Lord has a way of convicting. Sometimes it feels like a double edged sword piercing you. But sometimes it‘s a gentle nudge on your heart that is like whispering “hey this is wrong”.

I do not think that it is wrong to ask the Lord questions. I think that it is really good to wrestle through things with the Lord.

Are you going through the thick of it and don’t know why? Ask the Lord why.

Are you in the middle of a trial and you just want to get through it? Ask the Lord how long.

He may very well just remind you to trust Him. He may remind you that He has a plan for the thing you are going through. He may remind you that ultimately He knows better than you. He may just have you wait and be in a waiting season.

Questions do not always lead to the answers that we want. We generally have an idea for how our lives will play out. Then when something doesn’t happen the way we want it to, we get upset and start questioning the Lord.

Would you be content if the Lord told you that He has something better planned for you? Would you be willing to listen to the Lord’s answer even if it is not what you want it to be? If you had started asking the Lord questions, like what He wanted you to do in life, where He wanted you to live, etc., would it be easier to accept when things didn’t go the way you wanted to because you could potentially have the foundations of trusting the Lord through everything?

My questions usually lead me to seeing the roots of whatever the thing was that I was questioning. Why do I struggle with XYZ? Oh it’s because ABC. I have a lot of stuff I need to work through. Things come up in my day to day life that causes me to not react in the most appropriate way. I was trying to figure out why I had such big and not great reactions to this one situation. The Lord showed me that it was because it wasn’t 23 y/o Madison responding to the event. It was more like 13/16 y/o Madison responding.

I never would have figured that out without the Lord opening my eyes to that. Questions that I ask the Lord often leads to my eyes being opened to things I never saw or have repressed.

There are some questions I ask the Lord when I am going through things. It may not be these exact words but these are the main purpose and ideas behind what I do ask:

What are you trying to teach me through this?

Where are you leading me to through this?

What am I being dependent on right now?

Can you help me get through to the other side of this Lord?

How will You use this to get glory?

Will you walk with me through this?

These are just a few of the questions I ask the Lord in some kinds of variation. Sometimes I start with a statement. It could look like this:

Lord, I know that you will get the glory from this, could you help me see how this will bring You glory?

Father, I am having a hard time right now, Would you walk with me through this?

Remember this.

Questions can lead to healing.

Questions can lead to a stronger faith.

Questions can lead to a firm foundation.

Are you willing to ask the Lord more questions?

Hold onto hope and stay strong.

Madison Rae <3

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