This month is am going through a devotional called The A.B.Cs of Christmas and can I tell you that I am loving it! It’s set up differently then most advent devotionals. This one gives you multiple verses, devotional content, and questions to get you thinking, journaling and praying. What I love is that she adds personal stories into the devotional.
I absolutely love how it is set up. It makes journaling in my bible about it so easy! Below is the first 9 days in my bible. Technically it is 8 because I had already journaled the page F’s verse was on.
A was for angel. It was talking about how Mary would have felt when being told that she was going to have a son. We were to reflect and think about surprises that God has done in our lives. One prompt was for us to draws thought bubbles and out down what we though Mary was thinking.
B was for beacon. It was about how we should be shining our light for God in this dark world. She was talking about Christmas lights here and how they shine bright, and how we should shine bright to those who are around us. For this, she wanted us to draw a home covered in lights or a Christmas tree.
C was for sugar cookie. It was about how sweet it is to trust Jesus and God with our lives. It was a reminder that God his in control of our lives. He knows what is going to happen and when. He knows how He will protect us. He already has a plan for us. We were to reflect on challenging times and eat sugar cookies while reflecting on how good it is to trust in God.
D was for Dare. We are to be bold and share. It talks about that we should step out of our way to share about God, what He’s done to transform our lives and who Jesus is. For this one we were to create an acronym for the word dare to remind of how important it is to be bold and share the Good News.
E was for extravagant gifts. It talked about how we sometimes try to please people by spending more and more money on them thinking that would make them happy. It talks about how instead we should be spreading the gift of Jesus as He is the only one who will give joy, lasting happiness, and true contentment. We were to reflect on 1 Timothy 6:7 and think about what gifts we should really be giving this year.
F was for frankincense. It talked about the meaning behind the oil. Frankincense is supposed to help with anxiety and pain and stress. These were some things that Mary was no doubtingly dealing with. It’s was very thoughtful of the wise men to bring that for her. We were not smell frankincense and drawn little bottles of it to remind us of the true meaning.
G was for Gingerbread Houses. It was about being home. It was asking if when people enter your house, they know it’s a house of the Lord. One thing that struck out to me was the idea of making our home a place where people feel welcomed and loved. We were to write “home sweet home” on our page and reflect on your home.
H was for hospitality. It talks about how Mary stayed with Elizabeth for 3 months. This shows that Elizabeth cared for her relative. We are reminded that we are supposed to be hospitable without complaining or grumbling. I know I’m not the only one guilty of this one. We were to draw a door and think about how we can open you for to people this December.
I was for I Heard The Bells on Christmas Day. It talks about the history of the lyrics. How the author was struggling to see the peace and goodness of here on earth. Longfellow struggled to see God’s goodness during this time. We were to use a globe or picture of the world in our journaling.
I am super excited to be sharing what I am learning for this devotional and my journaling through it!
I hope you guys have a great week and remember the true meaning of Christmas during this time of the year!
Madison Rae