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Writer's pictureMadison Rae

Bad Ticing Episode

Hello again. It has been a long time since I have written anything but specifically with my Tourette’s. There is not really an reason for it other than the fact that it royally sucks.

Most of you do not know, but I went through a period of time where I was ticking nonstop. It didn’t matter if I was walking, talking, laying down, or sitting. And let me tell ya, it was one of the worst things ever. It lasted about a week. To say I never want to go through it again is a huge understatement. I couldn’t work. I could barely eat. I could barely sleep. It was constant movement.

Now, it has gone back to normal. Well, my normal. I do not know why exactly it did that but one of the possible main culprits was from trying to change meds. Needless to say but that did not work out so we went back to my old med.

The reason i haven’t been really writing about it is because i have been really struggling with it. It’s hard knowing I’m pretty much never going to fit no matter where i go because of my tics. Its getting hard because if a customer is rude to me at work and i have many ounce of emotion, i start ticing really bad. Then i get laughs and rude remarks from the people who are waiting in line. I cant look back at the person when I’m done ticing because of the looks i get.

Y’all it has been super hard. I’ve been really frustrated with my tics. I just wish i wasn’t this way. I wish i would’ve had a choice. I know that the hardest battles go to the strongest warriors but y’all it is a never ending battle. I wish there was a way to get it to stop or be less. Maybe one day..

Madison Rae <3

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