Dear healthcare workers,
This is a rough time and I’m sure you don’t hear it enough, but thank you. Thank you for risking infection just to help others. Thank you for leaving your family to help these people. Thank you for giving up this time you could be spending with your loved ones, and putting your life on the line to save others.
This is a hard thing to be going through and you are the first line of defense. You are who everyone will be going to during this time to get better. They want a sense of safety and only you can provide that. You give people who are struggling with the virus hope as you have not given up on them.
And you will NOT give up on them.
You are trying to get people to fight. Fight this horrible virus. Fight the death rate. Fight against time and take back what’s theirs.
You are the hope people need right now. When others are hiding away, you are there fighting away. You are the hope of this country right now.
I know this is hard. I know you would rather be with your family. I know you would rather not be in the same area as people with this virus risking exposure every minute of everyday this goes on.
You are strong. You can do this. You are going to win this war. I know you have it in you. You need to believe in yourself and in your colleagues.
Thank you again for all you are doing.
Madison Rae <3