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Writer's pictureMadison Rae

Don't Do Life Alone

This has been laid on my heart. Y’all if you are struggling with something, please get help and reach out to someone you know and trust. Struggling is no fun especially if you are going through it alone.

Heres the thing, we are never alone in what we are going through. Sometimes it may feel like this but it is not true! It is a lie the devil wants us to believe. The devil wants us to believe that no one else is going through what we are going through. And that is not true at all! We are not meant to go through life alone which is why God created others to help us get through life.

Getting through life can be really hard but going through life with someone else makes it the slightest bit better. It may not be completely better but a little bit is better than none. God did not create us to go through life alone. That’s why Eve was created for Adam. It was so that he would not have to go through life alone because it is no good for us to go through life alone.

If we were meant to go through life alone, there would only be one person in existence. That wouldn’t be very fun. Y’all just imagine being the only person in existence. You would have animals yes but you wouldn’t have someone to communicate to. Someone who would understand you on a personal level because they are going through something similar.

Im going to be real. Right now I am really struggling. My depression and anxiety have really gotten out of hand. But I reached out and asked for help because I knew I couldn’t do it alone. Am I glad I asked for help? Yes because I am not doing life alone. I am not struggling by myself. I have others there for me and who support me. Thats all I could asked for.

Maybe you are really struggling right now. Maybe you have depression and are in a dark place. Or maybe you have anxiety and you feel so alone. There are so many things that you could be struggling with right now. But the thing is is that you do not have to go through it alone.

Please if you are struggling, reach out to someone. Maybe a close friend, a colleague, a family member. Someone will help you. You are not alone.

Madison Rae <3

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