Hold onto hope. This is a phrase that I have been putting at the end of all my posts. Why is that? Its because right now that’s all we can hold onto. Hope is a four letter word but that four letter word means the world to people. The world right now can seem pretty hopeless. People are getting gravely ill and even dying. We’re all stuck in the house (or at least supposed to be). We can’t go meet friends for coffee. We can’t even go to work. This season sucks. It seems like hope is gone throughout the world. But that’s not true. Hope is in everything. It’s in your voice when you talk about things you love. It’s in the air when you bake. It’s you getting up everyday. It’s you not giving up. Hope is something that makes or breaks people. When people lose hope, that’s when we lose people. Hope is something that is super valuable and a lot of people are losing it right now. There has been a 20% increase in calls made to crisis lines in the past 2 weeks and is only expected to get higher. It’s great that people are reaching out for that help. But it’s saying we are losing hope as a people in this time. Suicide rates are expected to increase during this time. Things like being isolated at home, not having in person therapy appointments, and not being able to connect with people in person are taking a toll on people and we are already seeing that. If you know me, you know where my hope comes from. You know that my hope comes from God. God is the only one who can keep hope alive right now. God is the only one who can give you lasting hope. Hope that is not fleeting. The hope you get from God is different then the hope you get from the world and other people. God’s hope stays. Its a lasting hope. It’s not a fleeting or short term thing. God gave hope to the world when He sent Jesus here. Jesus gives me hope. I know what some of you are thinking. You’re thinking that there is no way that Jesus dealt with this virus when He was on earth. But truthfully we don’t know that. There are about 30 years of Jesus’ life that we don’t know about. Anything is possible. Hope is something that is very important to me. I’ve lost hope before. It was when I was 13 and lasted until I truly accepted Christ when I was 14. It was the hardest time of my life. I had no reason to get up in the morning. I had to reason to do anything throughout the day. And I had to reason to keep going. Now this might be complicated to some people but even with some of the maladaptive coping skills I had in the past and some of the darker thoughts I get, I don’t lose hope. Now sometimes seeing that hope, it’s a little fuzzy but it’s always there. Hope from God never leaves. It is always there. Just like God is always there. You can run away from God but the second you start running towards Him again, He meets you there. He has always been there and He always will be there. That is hope. Hold onto hope and stay strong. Madison Rae <3
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