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Writer's pictureMadison Rae

John Jumbled Thoughts

God’s love is so crazy. He loves us so much more than I think we are capable of understanding. I am reading John right now and my mind is getting blown. First thing, I have never read the gospels fully through so I decided it was time and decided to start in John. It was such a great decision.

Jesus loves us so incredibly much and so does God. Here’s the thing, we don’t have to do anything to gain God’s love. He loves us just as we are. He loves us where we are at. Guys oh my goodness I can not get over how much He loves us. And I never want to.

How can God love me? I’m a sinner. I’m a screw up. I’m messed up. I do stupid things. I say stupid things. I get angry. I yell and lose my temper sometimes.

I don’t know about you but this blows my mind. Jesus and God know everything about us. They know when we’re going to say the wrong thing. They know when we are going to do the right thing. The least we can do is get to know them too. That is my mission right now by reading the gospels is getting to know God and Jesus better.

I can not tell you how amazing God’s love is. it is something that you have to experience on your own. You have to take the initiative to get to know them. You have to take that first step. They are there waiting for you to come to them and get to know them. They are there waiting for you to reach out and talk to them first.

God’s love is so so good. I can’t get over the fact that Jesus freaking died so that I would have life. Like what the heck?!?!?!?! I do so many stupid things yet He still loves me. We are His sheep and He is the gate. He is there keeping us safe and being there for us. He is protecting us.

Another thing, I don’t know how Jesus did it. He knew His purpose from the beginning. He knew that Peter was going to deny Him. Jesus knew that Judas was going to betray Him yet He still treated them with love and dignity. Never treated them differently because of it. Like how hard would it be to treat people you knew were going to betray you the same as those who wouldn’t. It would be so hard knowing these people you care for and love were going to betray and deny you.

Jesus knew His purpose from the beginning. He knew when it was going to be His time to be arrested. He knew when it was time to be put to death. He knew when Judas would betray Him. He knew when Peter would deny Him. He knew everything from the beginning. He knew He was going to die not just for His disciples then, but for us now.

From the beginning He loved us. He knew us back then just like He knows us now. He knows our heart and our minds. He knows our quirks. He knows the stupid things we are going to do. He knows the things that we are going to do that breaks His heart. He just knows!!

Today live like you are known, because well you are. You are known by God and you are known by Jesus.

Madison Rae <3

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