We all know the phrase “modest is hottest.” We’ve heard it growing up, we hear it in church, we hear it in schools. We hear it everywhere.
Everyone has a different view of modest. Something that I think is modest may be viewed as not modest in other peoples eyes. Modesty is viewed differently to everyone. You learn to accept what people find modest and don’t find modest.
Now I’m not saying go out and wear a crop top with very short shorts. No! What I’m saying is is that my view of modesty can be a little different but not wearing short shorts and crop tops different because that is not very modest.
For some people, they believe that you have to wear a t-shirts or blouses that cover everything and jeans or long skirts that go past the knees. Thats okay, that is not my view of modesty but that is yours.
My view is pretty much as long as everything is covered, its okay. Meaning skirts and shorts should be about fingertip length maybe a little shorter and if they are a lot shorter, then maybe only wearing them when going swimming or around the house. Shirt wise a long as my chest is covered and not hanging out I find that fine.
Modesty is important because we are bless God with our bodies and while we can kinda do that when wearing immodest clothing, it can make it hard for our brothers in Christ to. One thing I was told a few years ago at a retreat was that the reason girls are asked to cover up more is because guys’ minds want to complete the picture. So when we wear revealing clothing, their minds can have a tendency to wander.
We are to find our identity in God not in the clothing that we wear. We are His children. And we are to rest in that. This can be found in Galatians 3:26 and 1 John 3:1.
1 Timothy 2:9-10 tells us that we should not try and draw attention to ourselves by our clothing and looks but by our actions. Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we are a masterpiece. As that masterpiece, we should share about the creator not about ourselves meaning we should not draw attention to ourselves because of our clothing but because of Christ is us.