Today (October 18th) I journaled Psalm 23:4 in my bible. This is not a verse that I just journal. This is a verse that I really think about what I am going to do on the page. This is my life verse. The verse says:
“Even when I walk through the darkest of valleys, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.”
This verse is one I usually do at the beginning of a new journaling bible as a way to start it out or towards the end to close it out. This time its close to the beginning but it’s not the first one.
I chose lyrics from a Ledger song called Not Dead Yet. I picked the lyrics “I’ll go on fighting, while there’s breath in my lungs. ‘Cause I’m not dead yet”.
This is probably my current favorite released Ledger song. This song means a lot to me. It has lyrics like “I may be broken but I’m not done yet.” And “There’s a side you don’t see. Been to h*** and made it out. My enemy, I’ll watch you bleed.”
This song is powerful to me. It’s saying I’ve been through all of these things but I’m still here. I’m not dead yet. I’m going to make it through this no matter what you throw at me.
This is a song that I think goes well with psalm 23:4. I think it goes well because Ledger is saying that she’s been through the valley and back and she’s still here. It’s saying I’m going to fight until I run out of breath in my lungs. It’s saying when I’m in that valley, I will fight to make it out alive.
This song is saying I’ve been through so much but I’m still fighting and as long as I have breath in my lungs, I’m going to fight. And that’s where I’m at now.
I’m in a spot in my life where if I don’t fight, I will lose my battle. I will lose my battle with mental health, I will lose my battle against the devil and he will get the best of me. If I don’t fight, I’m merely surviving and surviving can only get you so far.
I heard this thing somewhere and it said if you aren’t trying to recover, then you are dying. I hadn’t heard it put that way before but it is try. If you are merely surviving and not trying to fight whatever you are going through, you are not actively trying to save your life. Wow I know right. Right to the heart especially if you are not fighting whatever you are going through.
Here’s where God comes along. God is actively fighting your battle. He is fighting the bigger battles that we will never encounter. He is fighting battles we could never imagine because He loves us and He is for us. Yes we go through some battles, but majority of our battles are fought by God. He’s protecting us. And even in the battles we do have to face, He is fighting right alongside us and cheering us on. He will never leave or forsake or fail us.
Maybe you are in a valley and you don’t feel God so you decided it wasn’t worth the fight. Don’t give up. Please don’t give up. God is there. Sometimes we don’t always feel Him but He is always there. He promises that in His Scripture and He will never go against His word.
Jeremiah 29:13 says “ If you look fro me wholeheartedly, you will find me.” Matthew 7:7 says “Keep on asking and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened for you.”
God tells us that when we seek Him, we will find Him. And that’s part of fighting. Part of fighting our battles are acknowledging that we can’t do it on our own and that we need God. And it’s seeking Him. It’s seeking His wisdom on what to do in any situation. It’s seeking His approval above anyone else’s. It’s seeking what He has to say about what you are going through and how He says to handle it. Ultimately we need to go to God for everything. We need to always be praying and talking to Him. We need to always be seeking Him.
How does this relate to the lyrics and the verse?
I’m so glad you asked! This relates to the lyrics because by seeking God, we are choosing to fight and fighting is a choice. And a choice we get to choose whether or not we make is to seek God. And this relates to the verse because when we are in those valleys, that’s when we should be seeking God the most. We should be seeking Him and getting comfort through Him then in things from this world.
Hold onto hope and stay strong.
Madison Rae <3