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Random Thoughts 10/6/20

Writer's picture: Madison Rae Madison Rae

I’m gonna be real with y’all. I don’t know what to write today. So here is going to be jumbled thoughts in my brain that are not enough to make a blog post about.


There is still a huge stigma on mental health. I had never really been exposed to the stigma of any of my mental health disorders until last night. Someone I know said that they would not want bipolar or borderline personality disorder because a lot of what they do is hurt their friends. If you didn’t know, I have both of those. And that is a huge stigma around them. Not everyone who has those will hurt there friends. And for the record everyone hurts their friends from time to time.

But being exposed to the stigma made me want to fight it more. There is a lot of work to do in the mental health field when it comes to the stigma. Stigmas suck and it prevents people from getting help. People who truly need to get help avoid it because of the stigma and they don’t want to be looked at different. I’m sometimes scared to talk about having bipolar or bpd because I don’t want to be viewed different. I don’t want to be viewed as manipulative or mean. I don’t want to be viewed as unstable or crazy. And these are common stereotypes of people with these disorders.

I can tell you that not all people who have bipolar or borderline personality disorder go around and hurt their friends a lot. Not everyone with those are super unstable. In fact sometimes you wouldn’t know if someone had these disorders. Stigmas suck and they keep people from getting the help they need. It’s time to end stigmas.


God truly knows the desires of your heart. Now these examples that I’m going to talk about are small and minuscule and I know that but it still shows that God even knows the little desires of your heart.

I have been looking for a light wash distressed denim jacket the past couple of months because that is more of my “style”. I went to my favorite store last week, and they had some. God knew I really wanted this type of jacket and boom it was there. That put a smile on my face and I was able to praise God for knowing the desires of my heart.

I needed a new ring for my phone because the one I had was given to my by Drew and so every time I saw it it would remind me of him and the relationship. I knew it was time to change it. The church just did impact team member party week. This week they went to impact team members house and gave a little goodie container and just celebrated the impact team members. Inside the little goodie back, a phone ring. Not just a phone ring but an Emmanuel phone ring. So I now I get to have a piece of the church with me wherever I go.

Today I went to the church to the biblical counselor. At the end she gave me a book. This is a book I have been wanting to read but haven’t been able to find it when I went to barnes and nobles. I just finished the youversion app plan for it. God knew I wanted this book and He provided it.

God will always provide what we need. Hands down He will always need it. But our God knows the desires of our heart and sometimes just sometimes He gives us those desires. And when He does, we should be there praising Him <3


Getting help sometimes can be scary. And sometimes you really wonder if getting better really is better. I can tell you that getting better is truly better than living the life you are living that is making you miserable.

Today I met with the dietician. If you know anything about how I eat, you know there are A LOT of things I don’t eat. I hate having to go over it again and again because people just don’t understand, they think I’m making it up, they think I’m crazy, etc. I hate having to explain it to new people. It never goes well. Before my appointment, I wondered if it was really worth it. Was it really worth going over this again to get better?

The answer is and always will be yes. Recovery is always worth it. I know it’s hard and sometimes the last thing you want is to give up the way you have been living for so long. It may not seem worth it in the beginning but I’m quite sure recovered you would thank you for taking the first steps into getting help.


Here was a post of 3 things that was on my heart. Thank you for reading!

Hold onto hope and stay strong.

Madison Rae <3


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