-Do you ever wonder how you will ever make a difference in a world of 7.7 billion people?
-Have you ever wondered if what you did to try and make a difference actually mattered?
-Finding your place and purpose in the world can be hard. It can be very difficult especially when we feel like we don’t have guidance. But when we live our lives for God, we will learn that He has made us for a unique purpose and calling. It’s really easy to feel nonessential or unseen or unappreciated when you don’t feel like you are making a difference and know your purpose.
-Do you feel like your voice matters?
-Your voice matters. There’s a chance that you were told that your voice doesn’t matter. That what you have to say doesn’t matter because it’s unimportant and so are you. It’s easy to feel that way in a world of so many people. Especially when you see all the people who are doing amazing things with their talents and God-given abilities.
-let’s read 2 Kings 5:2-3
-In just these two verses we find a girl who was captured but feels like her voice matter. We don’t know her name or her story. But here we learn even the seemingly insignificant voices matter and that includes yours.
-Naaman listened to this girl and goes to Samaria. Through this girl, he is healed of leprosy but he also changed in another way. His heart changed. His heart turned into a heart after God. This little thing can show you that even if you feel like you are as insignificant as a captured child, your voice has power and it matters.
-Prayer is important. It’s our personal line to God. God loves to hear from you. You are His child and just as a parents loves hearing from their child, God loves to hear from you.
-Read 1 Chronicles 4:9-10
-In this we learn of a man named Jabez. We learn about his name and we learn about is relationship to God in regards to prayer. We learn that after Jabez asked God for safety, God granted it.
-Have you ever had God answer a prayer?
-Just because we ask, doesn’t mean God will answer and if He does, it doesn’t mean it’ll be right away. There is no harm in asking. God wants us to ask Him for things. He wants to see our heart in things. In the verses we read, it doesn’t say how long it took for the prayer to be answered. It could’ve been instantaneous or it could’ve been decades. We truly don’t know. But this also shows that God will do what is right for us at the right time. He’s not going to be like a genie going around and granting prayers. We are going to have trouble in this life. We were never promised a free of troubles life. Sometimes when God says no, it’s because he has something greater for us. No could mean yes is coming later.
-Matthew 7:7-8
-In your words, what is an intercessor?
-To me, an intercessor is someone who goes before and advocates for the person. The best way to intercede for someone is to get on your knees and pray. You are allowed to do that. It is the best way to help the ones we love. But it doesn’t stop at just friends and family. No it goes to the people who treated you wrong or completely annoyed you. Just because you don’t feel like they deserve it, doesn’t mean that they don’t. Truthfully we don’t deserve it either.
-Do you know a time when someone interceded for you?
-Jesus and the Holy Spirit are interceding for us daily so we need to do the same for other people. We are told to pray for our enemies. We need Jesus to go into their lives and change them.
-Matthew 5:44
-Have you ever had a time in your life when you realized you couldn’t just rely on yourself, you had to rely on your community around you? What was that like?
-We were not designed to go through life alone. God made Adam Eve so that he would not go through life alone. Sometimes it can be hard to ask for help when we need it from God, family members, church family, counselor, etc. but we’ve gotta ask for help when we need it. How else are we going to get the help we need?
-What is something that you need to have help carrying in your life right now?
-Exodus 18:13-27
-Genesis 2:18
-Galatians 6:2
-Do you have a hard time of letting go of things you know you need to?
-We are told to guard our hearts. We also are told that we need to open our heart for God. When we hold on to certain things not only are we not guarding our hearts, but we are not leaving space for God in our heart. Sometimes it’s not even something sinful that we need to get rid of, it’s things like game stations and social media. We need to let go of what is holding us back from God’s calling for our lives.
-Make sure everyone read Joshua 7:1-23, if not, read it together.
-Just like Achan in Joshua 7, we hold onto things and take things that we shouldn’t. We hold onto things that are not pleasing to God. We hold onto things that are not ours to hold onto. This drives a wedge between you and God. You are holding onto things that are not meant for you to hold onto.
-Do you know of things you need to let go of now after reading this Scripture and praying about what is meant to be held onto in your heart?
-1 Peter 5:7
-Psalms 119:11
-Proverbs 4:23
-Psalms 44:21
-God already knows all that is in your heart. It’s just a matter of you learning and accepting that this thing is not meant for you to hold onto anymore.
-Do you have a heart time in trusting in God’s timing?
-Do you ever feel conflicted because you were planning one thing but then you feel God calling you into something that is not what you wanted, unexpected, or you don’t feel ready or equipped for?
-“God isn’t a God of coincidence.” Nothing God ever does is a coincidence. There is always a reason and a meaning behind it. We learn in Ecclesiastes 3 that there is a time for everything. God’s timing is perfect.
-Esther 4:13-14
-In this passage we learn vaguely that the Jews were meant to be killed and that Esther is a Jew. Esther was made queen of this land during this time. God placed her in this spot for a specific time and this was the time. She was put in a place of power to keep a whole race of people from being killed. I bet she was scared and felt unequipped. God knew exactly what He was doing when He put Esther in this place of power. His timing is perfect.
-Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
-1824 is meeting every Thursday in July and August some for a normal meeting and some just to get together and have a good time. 7 every Thursday is when we are meeting.