Hey y’all! I hope you had a great weekend! Today is chapter 6 & 7 of Hosea. I feel like I need to make a disclosure that I am procrastinating from doing actual homework and did this instead which to me is very important but to everyone else probably could have waited but God first, am I right?
Let’s get into chapter 6!
Chapter 6
Verse 1 and verse two are connected in a way. You see in verse 1 they talk about God healing them and bandaging their wounds after his punishment and verse 2 talks about God restoring them so that they may live in His presence.
Verse 3 is when Israel realizes that they want a relationship with God.
Verse 4 is when God is trying to figure out what to do with Judah and Israel since He isn’t sure because they have betrayed His trust.
Verse 6 and 7 is where God wants Judah and Israel to know Him and have a relationship but is worried they’ll betray Him again.
Verse 11 is basically saying that Judah isn’t safe from God’s wrath either.
Chapter 7
Verse 1 is where God wants to heal Israel but Northern Israel’s sins are just too great.
Verse 2 says that God is always watching.
Verse 2 and 3 is Israel showing no sorrow for their sins.
Israel is compared to 4 things. They are an oven (verse 4-7), a half-baked cake (verse 8), a silly dove (verse 11-12), and a crooked bow (verse 16).
In verse 4 where it says “an oven that is kept hot” is saying passion that does not go out.
In verse 6 is says “it breaks out like a raging fire”. This means restarted passion that unexpectedly and violently erupts.
In verse 7, where is says “burning like a oven, they consume their leaders”, is referring to assassinations of the last 4 out of 6 Israeli kings.
Verse 8, a half baked cake is not fit to eat.
Verse 13 is saying that God loves all but eventually will show no mercy to those who turned away from Him.
Verse 14, when it says “They cut themselves” they are referring to 1 kings 18:28 as a way to call on baal.
Verse 15 is saying that God made Israel strong but now they use it against Him.
In verse 16, the word Egypt represents all foreign powers but specifically to Israel’s time of slavery in Egypt which can be found in Exodus 1-12
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this piece in the series of Hosea!
Madison Rae