In this world there is an insane amount of pressure to fit in, have a purpose, and be, well, perfect. This world will give you so much pressure for this things. Sometimes it’s hard when you feel like everyone else has found their purpose or is living out their purpose and your not or not sure what your purpose is. Maybe you feel like you don’t fit in like everyone but you feel the pressure to fit it. There is nothing in this world that is perfect, so why strive to be. The only person who was ever perfect was Jesus. We should strive to be like Jesus but we won’t be perfect.
Here’s the thing, most people don’t know what their purpose is. The only way that they actually know their purpose is if God has told them. It is easy to find a false purpose, a purpose that feels like it’s right but it is actually taking away from your real purpose. We all do have a purpose. Some of us find out out what it is before others and that’s okay. You find out what your purpose is when God decides it’s time.
Fitting in is something that everyone wants to do. Nobody wants to be an outcast, nobody wants to be a loner, nobody wants to not belong. There is so much purpose to fit in. We have to drink the alcohol and dress a certain way in order to fit in. You have to talk a certain way and look a certain way. This is so much work. It’s not worth it.
This world has an image of what they call perfect. You have to be a size 0. Have your hair this long. Wear this brand of makeup. Wear this designer’s clothes. Wear these shoes. Y’all in reality this is not attainable. And even if you were to attain it, it wouldn’t be the satisfying factor that you are looking for. You will never be satisfied by earthly things.
In God’s eyes, after you repent and are loving and living for Him, you are perfect. He loves you a crazy amount. To Him you are perfect. I think that that matters more than what the world thinks. The world is fleeting but God is forever. God gives you a purpose. You don’t always know it from the beginning because it is not time to know. You learn your purpose when God deems it’s time to know.Did you know that Jesus didn’t fit it? He stood out of the crowd because He never tried to fit in. If we are supposed to live like Jesus, doesn’t that mean we shouldn’t strive to not fit in?
This world will try to pressure you into being “perfect”, living a false purpose, and striving to fit in a world you are supposed to stand out and be a light to.
Madison Rae <3