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Writer's pictureMadison Rae

Today Is The Day To Start

Today is the day to start. Maybe you’ve been wanting to start a blog or maybe a youtube channel or even write a book. Today is the best day to start. The longer you put it off, the longer it will take to get started.

It’s really easy to say “oh I’m to busy right now to do (Fill in the blank)”. But there is no greater time then now to actually start. God could be nudging you to do it, and you keep putting it off. I know it can be hard to get started on things that you haven’t done before. And thats totally normal.

Starting now means possibly taking a step in the right direction on what you are supposed to be doing. You honestly never know until you try.

Here are a few practical tips on how to get started:

1. Just jump right in. Make that video, start that book, design that blog.

2. Set a timer for 15 minutes and start there. Do it a few minutes at a time to not get overwhelmed and want to quit.

3. Have an accountability partner

4. Write ideas down that you would want to write or talk about.

5. Don’t give up! It’ll take time. It’ll take persistence and perseverance.

6.Remember that you’ve got this. You can do anything you set your mind to.

7. Remember that it can be fun. It is what you make it out to be.

Starting something new can be scary because you don’t know if it’ll work out. But you also never know until you try. Trying new things can be fun, you could possibly find your passion trying new things!

Madison Rae <3

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