It is really easy to feel like you are not enough. That you are skinny enough, smart enough, good enough, fill in the blank. It’s so easy to feel tyrant way. I know I am guilty of it. It’s not a good feeling either. It makes you feel worse because you don’t feel like you are enough to be doing something or for a person.
When you feel like you are enough, sometimes you want to give up. You think “I’m not _____ enough so why am I even doing this.” I’ve been there. I see you. But giving up is not an option.
I know first hand how it feels when you feel like you are not enough and it sucks. But we can’t live in that feel for forever. We shouldn’t be living in that feeling. We should be rising against it and comparing the thought with Truth.
God makes us enough. He gives us just what we need and makes us enough for what we are meant to do and who we are meant to be. Without God, we probably aren’t enough for this. But with God, we are more than enough.
We are complete when we are unified with Christ. Through Christ we can do all things. He is our strength. He is our portion. He is the one who makes us whole.
If you struggle with feeling like you are enough, know that you are not alone. I know I struggle with it and I’m pretty sure other people do. You are not alone in this struggle.
Madison Rae