It’s not always easy you know,
Living can be very hard
To keep going can be super hard.
Some people don’t get it though.
But maybe you do.
You know what I’m talking about
When there are more deep, dark valleys
Then there is sunny mountain tops.
But you’ve made it this far.
Maybe this is farther than you thought possible.
Maybe it is father than you want to be.
Living is hard.
I get it,
I’ve been there.
I’ll be there in the future.
And that’s okay.
Maybe you have to take one day at or time
Or maybe it’s minute by minute.
That’s okay.
You need to stay.
Staying can be hard.
It can suck when you’re in so much pain.
But its worth it.
It’s worth it to stay for one more minute,
One more day,
One more week,
One more month,
One more year.
Life is hard.
You don’t know what it is going to throw at you
You don’t know the ups
And you certainly don’t know the downs.
The downs may be dark
And the ups too bright,
But its the perfect mix.
It’s finding the mix of living.
Living is hard.
And that’s okay.
Because I know,
That you’ve got this.