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Stop Trying To Be That Person

Writer's picture: Madison Rae Madison Rae

This is me being me and not trying to be someone that I am not

Stop trying to be “that person”. It will never satisfy the longing in your heart. It will expect more and more out of you and leave you lost and broken.

Being that person will do nothing but make you empty. Your whole existence is not based on whether or not you fit in or are popular. Your whole existence should be about how much you loved your neighbor and how you spread the word of God.

Being popular doesn’t do anything in this world. It makes you seem like you are liked but what about the people who don’t like you? What about the people you don’t like? Do people not like you because you don’t go with the world or is it because you choose to follow it and are not a great person because of it? Do you not like that person because they are not like you or because you wish you were them?

I was never that person. I never fit in. I never was popular. I’m still not. The difference now? I’m more content with who I am and don’t need to be surrounded by ten tons of people who only like me because I am going with the world and look like them.

All of the leaders at work know who I am. Most of the team members at work know who I am. The reason is not because I fit in and act like everyone else. It’s not because I don’t do my job. It’s because I work my hardest in whatever department I am in. It’s because I am different from most of the people who work there in the way that I love my job and am willing to help out wherever I am needed. These people know who I am because I will go out of my way to help someone. They know who I am because I stop and try and interact with most of the guests I pass. (they also know who I am because of my tourettes and they know that I don’t let it stop me).

Even though all the leaders know who I am, I’m not doing anything to fit in. I’m not doing anything to be “that person”. I do my best to work hard and do what needs to be done. I strive to be who I am and shine a light in the dark at work. I try to be the person people know they can go and talk to when they need too. I work hard to stay true to who I am and not who this world makes me out to be. I’m a hard worker and this world doesn’t like that. This world wants you to sit back and get handed everything you “deserve” just based on who it deems you as.

Who I am naturally is not “that person” but I don’t think many of us are naturally that. I think we are all different and unique and the world wants to make carbon copies of one type of person making being different and unique wrong.

I don’t say this to boast. I say this because if you were trying to be “that person”, working hard and helping others would not be at the top of your priority. Neither would showing love. I try in most of my interactions to make sure people know they are loved and that they are appreciated and I don’t always say it with my words, but sometimes I say it with my actions towards them.

“That person” doesn’t care about anyone else but themself. They do not care about doing a good job. They do not care about working hard. They do not care about loving others. Most of the time all they care about is being well known and popular. Now this is not everyone, but this is a lot of them.

This world makes it easy to fit in. Buy these clothes and wear your hair this way and wear these shoes. Put makeup on this way and wear these jewels. This world cares more about your outward appearance than what is within. This world could care less if you are a good person. It cares that you look good on the outside. It doesn’t matter if you are happy. It doesn’t matter if you’re miserable. All that matters is that you look and act the part.

What if we stopped caring so much about the outward appearance and cared more about what someone looked like on the inside? What if we stopped expecting everyone to be happy and actually asked people how they were and genuinely meant it? What if we stopped expecting everyone to act and look the same? What if we cared more about showing love to people then making it known who you are against?

If we stopped caring so much about what others looked like on the outside and cared more about the inside, I think there would be a huge difference. People would not be afraid to wear what they want or have their hair the way they want because it wouldn’t matter. People wouldn’t be afraid of being who they were because it wouldn’t matter what they looked like. Your appearance may be put together but maybe you are not.

This world makes it seem like you need to have it all together by the age of 21 and be out of college and in your dream job. It makes it seem like you can’t have bad days. It makes it seem like you have to be happy all the time. It makes it seem like you have to desire the same things other people want, like marriage and a family, when you don’t want it.

This world makes it seem like you have to fit into this cookie cutter mold. What if we didn’t? Will the world look at you like you are stupid and out of place and like you don’t matter? Absolutely! The world loves to do this. The world loves to cancel people because they choose to not go with the world or have an unpopular opinion.

We were not made to fit in. We were made to be different. We were not made to fit into the same cookie cutter mold as everyone else in this world.

Be who you are. Don’t try to be “that person” because it seems cool and you want to be popular and well liked like them. Be who you were made to be and you may not be liked by all but you will be liked by those who matter most.

Hold onto hope and stay strong.

Madison Rae <3


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